About Us

Alderley Kindergarten provides a nurturing and educational experience for children in the year before they attend Prep. We offer a Queensland Government approved Kindergarten program. Children have been taught and cared for at our Kindergarten since 1948. By engaging in our play based program, children are imagining, negotiating, researching, predicting and hypothesising, problem solving, expressing ideas and feelings, collaborating and communicating.

Our service is an incorporated organisation and managed by a Committee of parents, elected at the Annual General Meeting in February each year. Thus, it is run by the community and for the community. All profits and moneys raised go back into the kindergarten to further upgrade and replenish resources and facilities.

We find that our kindergarten attracts families who are keen to be involved. Parents are encouraged and welcome to contribute formally through the volunteer Management Committee, and informally as participants in our daily educational program.

Facilities and Resources

Our facilities are well maintained and of excellent quality. We are very proud of our playground which is not only practical and conducive to high quality play but is also a ‘feast for the eyes’ – a sensory rich and aesthetically pleasing environment for children and educators to engage in play together.

Our indoor areas are spacious and welcoming and have been recently renovated, giving us a wide open expanse for children to play and learn in a safe, supportive environment. As we have been developing and upgrading our resources for over 60 years we are an exceptionally well resourced centre.

Affiliation with The Gowrie (Qld) Inc.

In 2010, community kindergartens for the first time were free to choose their Central Governing Body. Thus in July 2011, after consultation with parents, committee and staff, Alderley Kindergarten moved from affiliation with C&K to affiliation with The Gowrie (Qld) Inc., another well-established non-profit, early childhood organisation and a member of the national consortium, Gowrie Australia.

This affiliation provides the Centre with invaluable support and advice, whilst also ensuring that our centre maintains the highest possible standards.

The Gowrie is recognised in the broader community and the government sector as a long term provider of high quality services to children and families. As a leader for over 70 years in early childhood education its advice and services are sought by many stakeholders, with the influence of the Gowrie extending beyond its own services to promote the importance of high quality educational programs across the early childhood sector.